Vertiv Geist PDUs

November 01, 2018

Vertiv offers a wide range of monitored and switched PDUs equipped with a network interface to allow for remote monitoring, management, and automated alerts. Vertiv PDUs offer important insights on how to improve data center energy efficiency while enabling you to prevent downtime, providing notifications when userspecified thresholds for power and climate conditions are breached.

Basic PDUs offer reliable, space-saving, and cost-effective power distribution at your rack. Incorporate an optional current or power meter to get instant power usage feedback to help avoid overloads and costly downtime when adding, removing, or adjusting equipment.

Monitored: Monitor power usage in the data center remotely with access to the PDU’s current, volts, real power, apparent power, power factor and kilowatt hours.

Switched: All the benefits of a Monitored PDU plus the ability to remotely turn on, turn off, or reboot power at each outlet.
