How DC Power Can Help Save Floor Space, Energy and Cost in Core Telecom Sites

May 25, 2021

Power consumption for telecommunication companies (telcos) is expected to surge as 5G networks are rolled out. But not to worry, DC power conversion technology is here to help minimize energy costs, limit carbon emissions, and efficiently meet the exponential increase in consumers’ demand for data.

Survey findings released by Vertiv and 451 Research, suggest that by 2026, 5G may increase telco networks’ power consumption by up to 170% with the largest increases in macro, node, and network data centers operators don’t implement the most energy-efficient power system topologies, they may see the rewards of 5G being eroded simply by the costs of operating the expanding network.

However, the 5G-related network expansion is not only a monetary concern for telcos. The massive amount of new communication equipment needed in both new and existing sites makes floor space more precious than ever before and, will leave little or no room for power systems – even though a lot more power will be needed.

Increased power consumption will also likely make it harder to meet planned targets for reducing carbon emissions and complying with environmental regulations. The European Union has said that data centers and telecommunications, which account for an estimated 2% of all global emissions, should become carbon neutral by 2030.

So how can telcos mitigate the capital, operational, and environmental challenges of 5G? One answer is with DC power conversion technology.

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